John’s Series 13 – Stick with it Son! Parents may all have heard about that piano practicing helps develop […]

November 29, 2015

John’s Series 12 – What is love?   Last week John’s English teacher told us that John could not finish […]

November 7, 2015

  John’s series 11_ John’s first camping After John came to Vancouver 2 years ago, I heard several times from […]

November 1, 2015

Take a break! Every one of my friends says that I am too busy all the time. I am a […]

October 10, 2015

John’s series 10 _ Sometimes John does not hate shopping Sometimes I wish I could have a girl, who could […]

September 19, 2015

My family’s Traits This summer I went back to China for two weeks. During my stay in China, I visited […]

August 31, 2015

After reading Kaifu Lee’s book – Every Breath You Take Is a Step Towards Death Kaifu Lee – the founder […]

August 21, 2015

Say goodbye to my wisdom teeth August 8, 2015 was a special day for me .I had to say goodbye […]

August 15, 2015

John’s series 9– Never enough time to play! “Mom, who I am going to play with today?” It is usually […]

July 26, 2015

Mode A and mode B One day , a friend invited me to a toastmaster’s workshop. After the workshop, I […]

July 21, 2015

Don’t give up! Are you serious? Lots of times in life, whether we listen to the radio, watch movies or […]

May 7, 2015

Why Volunteer? I have two volunteers job including my full time job. I am now  the VP of Education for  […]

May 1, 2015

Don’t be trapped within your “comfort zone” Many people don’t like to leave their comfort zone, because the comfort zone […]

April 17, 2015

My Funny Valentine Before Valentine’s Day, recently I happened to read a well-known book called Men are from Mars, Women […]

March 20, 2015

A boy who is closer to being a teen John’s birthday is March 29,.He is going to be a 10-year-old […]

February 10, 2015

John’s series 7- Where is grandpa? On the first day of 2015, we sadly lost a dear family member – […]

February 5, 2015

New Canadian Today , December 5, 2014, is a milestone for me in my life. It is a big day […]

December 22, 2014

John’s series 6 – Mr. John’s Office John recently has a great interest in exploring what a workplace looks like. […]

December 13, 2014

SMILE All of us hope to look great or have a great appearance. We purchase the beautiful clothing or a […]

December 13, 2014

The Effective Salesperson Objectives: Learn a technique for selling an inexpensive product in a retail store.; Recognize a buyer’s thought […]

November 22, 2014

John’s series 5 – afraid of darkness John is a boy who is not as brave as the boys in […]

November 16, 2014

The Mother Gang  In Vancouver, lots of Chinese families live in a separation mode. The mode is that mothers and […]

July 9, 2014

Roller coaster memories A few years ago after I graduated from my university and just started to work for a […]

June 10, 2014

My mother’s joke My mom is a woman who is kind ,hospitable and outgoing. However, my father joked that she […]

June 10, 2014

John’s sleepover John had not had a sleepover experience in China. He only slept at his cousin’s home for a […]

May 29, 2014

A Special Conference Last week I had a chance to be invited to a special event :2014 Vancouver International Integrative […]

May 25, 2014

Never give up! Last Easter Holiday, my friends and I were planning to take our children to a beautiful park, […]

May 13, 2014

What are the most important things in your life? Have you noticed that people are becoming busier nowadays? We are […]

April 25, 2014

John’s Series 3: First ski trip to Whistler It’s a very exciting idea for kids from different families to travel […]

April 4, 2014

After reading Lean In   One day I happened to find a book “Lean In” from the library, I found […]

November 7, 2013

“How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”   Lots of woman have dated and fallen in love in their […]

November 7, 2013

A Busy Mom’s Morning   “Ding Ling Ling…” the alarm rings at 7:30am in the morning, which indicates that my […]

October 12, 2013

New Beginning -When My Woy was Born   Before I got married, I was a daughter being spoiled by my […]

October 7, 2013

Cultural Difference It is usually not until people start living in another country that  they could realize how big the cultural […]

October 7, 2013

Career in Another Country   It is quite common that successful people fail to find a job in another country […]

October 6, 2013

My Story of Losing Weight   Lots of women always keep a close eye and watch their weight. And lots […]

September 28, 2013

What Makes a Leader?   Everybody has read or heard about a good story about a leader. Maybe you know […]

September 26, 2013

A Cooking Class   How many of you like cooking? How many of you like trying some traditional Chinese dishes? […]

September 25, 2013

The Secret to be Happy   Before I stared the speech I would like to know how many people are […]

September 24, 2013

The Benefit of Footbaths and Foot Massage How many of you have heard of or tried healthcare for feet? For […]

September 23, 2013